Is The Chihuahua Syndrome Infecting Your Data?

This “sketchplanation” gives a name to a familiar problem.* Chihuahua is challenging to spell. If humans are entering dog breeds into a database or spreadsheet, chances are there are going to be spelling errors unless they can select from a list of breeds or there is another sort of data validation. It’s hard to extract meaning from data that is inaccurate. “Capitals, spaces, misspellings, hyphens, numbers stored as text, numbers entered as letters (I, O), accents, straight/curly apostrophes, dates out of order, languages, dialects, abbreviations, and more are all routes for misleading your analysis.” So make a plan to clean your dirty data and to keep it clean over time. Also, when visualizing data in programs like Tableau, you can group common misspellings into one new field. In this way, the misspelled entry will be automatically corrected in visualizations that use the new field. Also, Tableau Prep Builder comes with most subscriptions to Tableau and allows for easier data preparation including combining, shaping, and cleaning data for analysis within Tableau.

To see past data tips, click HERE.

*Chihuahua Syndrome” was coined by Edward Tufte.

Let’s talk about YOUR data!

Got the feeling that you and your colleagues would use your data more effectively if you could see it better? Data Viz for Nonprofits (DVN) can help you get the ball rolling with an interactive data dashboard and beautiful charts, maps, and graphs for your next presentation, report, proposal, or webpage. Through a short-term consultation, we can help you to clarify the questions you want to answer and goals you want to track. DVN then visualizes your data to address those questions and track those goals.

10 Essential Data Facts For Non-Data People (Fact #7)

I’m posting comic strips explaining ten essential data facts for non-data people over time. Check out other data facts which have been posted so far by scrolling down or clicking HERE.

Let’s talk about YOUR data!

Got the feeling that you and your colleagues would use your data more effectively if you could see it better? Data Viz for Nonprofits (DVN) can help you get the ball rolling with an interactive data dashboard and beautiful charts, maps, and graphs for your next presentation, report, proposal, or webpage. Through a short-term consultation, we can help you to clarify the questions you want to answer and goals you want to track. DVN then visualizes your data to address those questions and track those goals.