(Please scroll down to see privacy policy.)



Please click HERE to schedule a free consultation. Or contact Amelia Kohm at 773/919-9449 or amelia@nonprofitviz.com.

Want us to contact you? Fill the form below.






Data Viz for Nonprofits (DVN) takes your data privacy seriously.

The only third-party social media site integrated here is LinkedIn. This integration is available so you can easily share content with your own community. 

You are able to opt-in to email updates (including the weekly 60-Second Data Tips) that are sent through a third-party email service provider, MailChimp. I treat these opt-ins as personal connections, and will never share your email with anyone, ever. That being said, the third-party service used to collect email addresses and send emails store and have access to your email address. These services are required for DVN to send you email updates. Please see MailChimp's privacy policy here. You may unsubscribe at any time.

The DVN website is powered by Squarespace. Squarespace uses cookies to help this site run effectively and provide the best experience for visitors. Click here to learn about the cookies Squarespace places on visitors’ browsers. You can read Squarespace's privacy policy here.

Please let me know if you have any questions at nonprofitviz@gmail.om.

Thank you,

Amelia Kohm, Consultant and Founder of Data Viz for Nonprofits