Today I offer up yet another steal-worthy viz that I came across in the Tableau Public Gallery. Take a look:
Source: Vignesh Suresh on Tableau Public
The goal is to highlight the mismatch between the percentage of websites using a language and the share of the world’s population speaking that language. As we can see, there’s a mismatch for all languages except Polish. Using partial shapes for each of the two metrics works so well. It’s easy to see where there is more or less of a mismatch.
Creating such a chart in Tableau involves some varsity-level skills including the trigonometric functions of sine and cosine. But if you are just as happy with diamonds as circles, you can easily steal the basic idea for this chart and create a much simpler chart in Tableau. The example below compares the percent of residents in a community in need of a particular service and the percent of program slots providing that service. Want to know how I did it? Check out these instructions which assume basic knowledge of Tableau.
To see past data tips, click HERE.
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